7 - 13

   Prep Co-ed



  East of England

Foreign Education UK and International Education Consultants in UK and Hong Kong  Founded in 1555



Gresham's School, Cromer Road, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6EY

Key Information & Geographic location in the UK



School Profile:

Gresham’s  Preparatory School is an independent boarding school for pupils aged from 3 to 13 with a linked senior school. The School is located in an area of outstanding natural beauty, only four miles from the stunning North Norfolk coastline.


Academic Success:

At Gresham’s, all pupils study the traditional academic subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Modern Foreign Languages and ICT. The approach to language learning in the younger years is multilingual and focuses on pupils enjoying and gaining confidence in communicating in languages other than their own. From Year 7 pupils are able to choose two of French, Spanish, Latin and Classical and Cultural Studies.

University Destination:


Boarding and Pastoral Care for students:

About a quarter of the boys and girls are boarders. They are free to go home during weekends from 4.00pm on Saturday and may return either on Sunday evening or Monday morning. A number of children stay at school at the weekend and there are plenty of exciting trips and adventures organised. Many day children flexi-board one, two or three nights a week and love having a chance to enjoy boarding life.

Extracurricular Activities:

The co-curricular programme available at Gresham’s Prep provides an exciting and engaging range of opportunities helping to enrich and stimulate pupils beyond the classroom. Children who pursue these activities also have the opportunity to compete in inter-school events, participate in plays, concerts and festivals. The school believes that music, performing arts and sport all play an integral part in the development of our children and that in addition to being fun they play a vital role in developing self- confidence and building interpersonal and social skills.



Sporting activities -



Music activities -



Languages -



Club activities - 




School Ranking 2019 

A-Level A* - A


A-Level A* - B



GCSE 9 - 7


GCSE 9 - 4



IB Results



School Fees

 Year 4  -  £26,100

  Year 5  -  £26,100

  Year 6  -  £26,100

  Year 7  -  £26,100

  Year 8  -  £26,100







Speak to our specialist International Education Consultants

If you would like to speak to one of our UK and international educational consultants, please contact us for further information at JMS Global Consultancy.

Alternatively, complete an enquiry form. We assist families across Hong Kong, China (including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen), Asia Pacific, Dubai and Doha.



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